The Warriors of Light have the defeated the daemon nestled deep within the pinnacle of Avarice. A brief respite from combat allows our heroes to catch their breath and reassess the situation before proceeding forward. But more lethal threats yet await the group within the lair of the Runelord of Greed. They will need to keep their senses about them and their heads on a swivel to keep a step ahead of the forces of evil. And would somebody shut off those alarms already?!
Aristotle brought the incense. Hugo plans to renovate. Reetin is there also. Vrasken banishes. Clinton desperately tries to time-out the parties buffs. He also does this thing where he punishes Alex for being in the process of making a decision, and then makes a ruling specifically to be in disagreement with a player. This is real shitty behavior and I regret not calling him on the spot for it. Don't let your DMs be jerks, players!
Music Credits:
The Curtain Rises
Ancient Mystery Waltz Vivace
I Can Feel It Coming
Exotic Battle
By Kevin MacLeod (
This End by Evan King (
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
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